Ella went to the Doctor the other day for her 2 year check-up. She got really excited to go for some reason so I was crossing my fingers that she would be that happy about it when we arrived.
She did great and was quite the charmer with the office. Dr. Openshaw was doing some of her routine check's and when she got to Ella's ear stated to laugh a bit. She asked if she had been feeling ok and I explained that she had been coughing here and there for over a month. She only ran a fever once during that entire time and didn't really complain about anything in particular. The Doctor went on to inform me that she had a terrible ear infection. Wow! That makes me feel like a stellar Mom."Maybe thats why she hasn't been eating much or sleeping without interruption lately." I say. If I try to lighten the situation she might not think that I am the worst Mom ever.
Then it was on to her measurements. They had to do her head twice because they thought it odd it hadn't grown in 6 months. Nope, no error. Her head is tiny, as usual and like her parents. Her weight was in the 60th percentile at 27.6 and her height was pretty far off the charts at 37.5 inches. Where did I get these insanely tall kids from?
She didn't even cry for her shots but did get mad and say, "Hey! That's my Ella's arm."
She is indeed a big girl and we love every inch and pound.
I can't believe she's 2! She is so cute in nursery! I'm sorry to hear about her ear infection....we won't judge...promise! ha ha Good to know she's growing as she should! Future Volleyball player? Basketball? LOVE tall girls!
i adore your little girl.
Don't beat yourself up. A lot of doctors recommend not rushing in for ear infections, they clear up on there own a lot. And those symptoms could have been linked to any number of things. Your a great mom.
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