Tuesday, September 1, 2009

For your listening pleasure

The best rendition of this song I have ever heard, and its not just because I love David Bazan (which I do)

Dave, my Dave, introduced me to many new voices when we started dating, most of which I had never heard before. And since he hated my music, and because he drove everywhere we went, most of these are my favorite to this day. David Bazan and Pedro the Lion (his old group) played in the background of many of our conversations, journeys, kissing sessions... you get the idea. It sort of became the soundtrack to our beginnings. We went to many of his shows throughout our Marriage. Listening to him brings back some of my most precious, giddy memories of my sweet husband. Holding hands in his blue Subaru, thinking the World was spinning only for us. I love that music can do this for you. And I love my David.

So here it is, my favorite of his covers.

1 comment:

Megan McCrindle said...

"So many of our firsts are to him..."

You guys did it to David Bazan, huh? Gross...

Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia
bright eyes

My funny Ella

My funny Ella

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My handsome Luke

