Just a funny Ella story, I feel like so many recent posts have been about Luke.
Last night we were at my Brothers house... as previously blogged. Ella found a small treasure at one point in the evening, baby Christians blue pacifier. I watched the scene unravel.
Ella looked around for Kim or Ryan, saw that they weren't watching her and snagged the binky. She didn't try to put it in her mouth, that would be too obvious and clearly someone would take it away from her. Rather she tried to conceal it in her small, dainty hands and make her escape. If she could sneak past Kim on the end of the couch by the Hallway, she could go to the kids room and enjoy the new treat without any one ever knowing about any of it. She started to walked by Kim, almost side-ways... binky curled up and behind her back. She then smiled as big as she could and interrupted Kim's talking with, "Hi Kim" smile." Hi Kim!" bigger smile. And then she continued past.. inching side-ways. Kim thought it was so sweet that Ella made such an effort to say hello and to give her some cheesy smiles. All I could do was laugh. " Ella" I say, " Please give Aunt Kim the babies pacifier." She looked at me, almost surprised, and said, " O' here Kim!" As though she had gone over there with it for the sole purpose to return it and be helpful. She then ran over to me yelling, "Mommy, I did it! I did it!" Again, as if that was always the plan.
She really tried to pull one over on us... I think when the manipulation is happening this soon it cant be a good sign.
That is hilarious! Smart cookie. Now she just needs to work it towards new jewelry or shoes. (=
What a sly one! Ella has such a funny personality! Love it!
I love stories that like! She is a sly one. I love that she played it all off afterwards too. Cute girl!
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