Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I will remember

I cant help but to reflect on the tragic events which happened in our Nation and to the World 6 years ago today. I know that a lot of people look back on this day with nothing but anger and malice. Questions and fury. I can not help but to look at it and feel proud and hopeful. Reverence and Spirituality. I hope I am not coming across as insensitive, I certainly feel deeply for all of those who lost loved ones, so many lives lost and so many tears shed. Such a tragedy.
I feel that having grown up in a family where my Dad served in the Armed Services I have always been a proud and patriotic American. My heart always fills to the brim when I see Service Men and Woman. Firefighters, Police Men and Women, and other serving our Country every day to ensure our freedoms. I have always felt full of pride when singing the National Anthem and feel grateful everyday for the life that I have been blessed to live and the place where I have been blessed to live it.
I remember very clearly where and what I was doing on that Fall morning in September 6 years ago. I sat with my roommates in stillness and silence as we witnessed together those horrific sights. And for a while I was just so sad and had so many questions. But it wasn't long until I recognized the significance of those events in a positive light. People driving around with American flags on their cars, lighting candles and coming together in their pain. We realized that we needed each other and that we loved each other. People sensed that we were all connected in ways we never realized or felt before. I felt hope and I still feel it.
I wish we could all come together continuously rather then just the way we did during that time. I feel more grateful than ever for those who serve this Country and for the families who support and love them. I am so thankful to live in this beautiful, choice Nation. And I have faith that people are still mostly good, that we are a family... in a very real way. I remember September 11 and pray that I never forget.


Unknown said...

beautifully said! I saw a guy on a freeway overpass waving a flag yesterday. He had no incentive to be up there other than to spread the patriotism. People were honking and waving. It was a nice feeling.

Becca said...

Perfectly said! AS I talked about Sept 11 yesterday with girlfriends we all could recall the exact moment we heard of it happening. It will forever be burned into our memories.WE can never forget the feeling we felt, the images we saw and the way it changed us!

regibells said...

thanks for the great reminder. It was on my mind a lot yesterday too.

Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia
bright eyes

My funny Ella

My funny Ella

My handsome Luke

My handsome Luke

