Saturday, April 19, 2008


Luke was in speech therapy right around the time he was 3. It was amazing. Not only did his vocabulary improve rapidly but his interactions, eye contact and behavior... it all started to make a noticeable difference within about a 3 week time period. It was a wonderfully exciting time for us all.

When Luke turned 3, and his care was turned over to the School District, they denied him the speech but put him in some other types of therapy. My speech therapist tried to help us plug for the speech but Luke was just blowing through their totally ridiculous "speech" tests. EX: "What is this?" Luke's reply, "a pig" followed with a "right!!" Ella could have passed with flying colors at her first birthday.... such a joke.

A little voice in my head kept telling me to get him back in speech therapy. We didn't have the money, its quite pricey, and so I dismissed it. Others also seemed to think he was so verbal and that he was doing just fine without it. So, I dismissed it even further. 

Every few months I kept feeling the speech plug, each time letting it go. Finally while we were in a session with a psychologist she brought it up. I jumped at it asking her if she thought so too. She followed up with, "I would pay out of my own pocket if it were my Son and I would make it my first priority." I almost cried. She saw it too and she validated a year of my fleeting yet consistent thoughts.

At his first few visits, where they did some evaluations, they confirmed that he certainly has receptive speech delays. Again, I felt like crying. I knew it all along and I didn't fight for my Son. I didn't listen to my intuition that I prided myself on being so in tune with. And now we missed a year of growth opportunity at this imperative time.

Things have been so wonderful for Luke in so many new and different ways since early March. He converses with me so much better, gets more involved and interacts so well with his Sister.
Yesterday Ella was being a grump. 

Luke said to her,"Ella are you feeling grumpy right now?" 

She replied, "yes."

 Luke stated," well, you weren't grumpy earlier today, when we were at home. You were happy."

Now that statement may not seem like a big deal but he has never spoken in past tense like that, relating one feeling to another from a previous time. I was all smiles.

Then the big one. This morning he said to me,

" Mom, I talk differently."

 I was worried, had someone from his School teased him about something he said or the way he said it? 

"What do you mean different honey, different from what?" 

"I use to talk like I was little and now I talk good like the big kids talk." 

I got chocked up. He knew. He knew he was doing something differently then the other, "older kids". He has felt the change in his language and knows he is improving and feeling bigger because of it. You can bet I am going to be a different Mom about the speech at his next IEP this next month.

Yes Luke, you sound different now. You are so big and so smart. I am so thrilled for you and love to see the excitement your eyes as you overcome your struggles. What a year it has been. I love you so much. We're in all of this together.


Tasha said...

You ARE a good Mom Jill, and I am so glad Luke is doing better with his speach. You are an example to me as you have faced so many different challenges with Luke. Thank you for sharing with all of us and helping me to be a better Mom too. I am glad you had these happy moments this week.

Tiffany J said...

Jill you don't know how much this helps me out. I have felt the same intuition with Brady and so many have dismissed my "intuition" as the "first time mom syndrom". Thank you for the email with all the information! I really am excited about getting started. Just watching Luke and all he's accomplished really makes me feel confident with Brady. Thank you again!

Becca said...

oh tha twas such a sweet conversation you had with him!!!Don't feel too badly. you have been blessed with this learning experiance and i know it will bless your family!!! Keep up the great work!You are incredible and so is Luke!

Suzanne said...

Hi Jill, So fun to hear from you. It's been years! I'm glad you linked over to my blog. I love how blogging connects us to old friends. Kathryn is doing great. She's in Idaho with 3 kids and lives next door to Jeanette. I keep trying to get her to start a blog so hopefully some day she will cave in:) Your kids are beautiful and of course I love the name Olivia. It is such a beautiful name and I think it's more common in girls 5+. Maybe I'm kidding myself and there will be a ton in her school class but we love the name and often call her "Livi". I'm going to add your blog to my friends list so feel free to add mine to yours if you would like! Looks like you update your blog more than Charity:) Did I hear you are moving closer to them?

Unknown said...

Jill, I am so grateful that our grandson has a mother who pays attention to her feelings regarding her children. I had a family psychologist ask me once when one of our children was struggling. What do you feel should be done as the mother? I told her and she said, "I always trust a mother's intuition because it's usually right on." Go with what you feel is right always. A little prayer always solidifies those feellings too. Lukie is doing soooo well. You are following up on what should be the focus where Luke is concerned. We love and support you and Dave.

Nicole said...

Jill, you are a great mom, I am glad he is getting the therapy he needs. We got some gut wrenching news about Taylor that made me cry, but it makes me just want to push harder for the things I know he needs to develop. Who is going to fight for them if not you? Our phychologist said speech and language is idealy learned up until a child turns 7. You are doing great!! Good job Luke!!

Holly Moore said...

Yeay Luke!! I'm so glad that everything is working out now. Public School systems are so negligent, I'm glad the therapist agreed with you and you were able to help him. Sweet boy, I'm rooting for him!

Cecily R said...

It sounds like his conversation skills are right on track...what a great kid and a great mom you are!

Jen said...

Your a great mom with great kids. And I love the picture of him!

Team Clancy said...

It is so nice to keep in touch with people through blogging and to be able to pop into some ones life and check things out. Your kids are so cute and congrats with the one on the way. Nicole got married last summer and lives in Boise, ID. Kevin got married about five years ago and is finishing up law school in New York. He graduates next month and then has a job waiting for him in Santa Barbara. He will take the Bar this summer.

Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia
bright eyes

My funny Ella

My funny Ella

My handsome Luke

My handsome Luke

