Sunday, May 24, 2009

8 is great!

Somehow my Olivia turned 8 months old today. How that happened im just not sure. This year has gone by like a whirlwind and taken my baby along with it.
Here are a few bullet-points on my 8 month old.

- as of last week she now weighs 14 lbs. 3 oz. Still in the 3% but 14 lbs. sounds so much bigger than 13!
- She loves to be outside and is totally silent and good whenever we are. She soaks up her surroundings like crazy.
- she is a parrot. If I make a long sound, she copies. If i make a short sound, she will do the same. She is starting to copy a lot of sounds, "da" "ehh" "ma" "bah" "hahh", etc. I have a feeling she may just be a little smarty pants
- she is starting to crawl and drag herself all around. This makes me sad as I hoped she would give me another month (or 2 or 3) Crawling is my least favorite stage and Im a little sad we are here
- she is a total water baby
- she is feeding herself now and especially loves to feed me!
- Olivia is still a great sleeper. She goes to bed about 5ish and wakes up around 6:30am.
-She's content and sweet. Loves to snuggle and be held. When she is sad or upset the first thing she says is "mama" I think she'll be a mommy's girl. Though she lights up and giggles each time she even see's Dave.
We all love and adore this girl who is already brimming over with personality.

I am totally addicted to this girl.





I know this one is a little over edited but I loved all the colors so much that I had to do it.


Ashley said...

So cute! I love the pictures.

sara said...

Great pictures! I can't believe she is already 8 months old! She is adorable.

Erin said...

she is so precious!

Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia
bright eyes

My funny Ella

My funny Ella

My handsome Luke

My handsome Luke

