Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We went to the park and she just sat in her seat while the kids all played. She's such a good girl. And notice her tear duct is still clogged :(

Just a cute picture taken with iphoto... so its terrible quality. It just makes me happy because she was fighting the binky for the past 2 weeks and I thought she was going to ditch it completely. Then I tried the Nuk brand again, this time she took it and loves it. Plus she can hold it in better than the hospital one, which use to be the only one she's ever take (with a fight at that)

Olivia has slept for 10 hours straight for the past 2 nights!!!! I am really loving this girl.

On a side note she is 8 weeks old today... blows my mind. And her VCUG is tomorrow along with a urine test and weight check today. I will pass along the news. I know she is growing better and faster now, I can see it in the way her clothes are fitting. She just grew out of her last preemie outfit and is finally into 0-3 month clothes. My guess is that she's almost 9 pounds... we'll see. 

She is still being a good, sweet baby. Its amazing the changes in her. She's no Christian, my Nephew who was the absolute best baby I have ever known, but she's still our easiest now.


Becca said...

good luck with the tests tomorrow!!!!!! hugs being sent your way!!!! 8 weeks already! gee wiz!

Megan McCrindle said...

Your new main picture on here is my favorite picture of my twinner. She's even got the little faux-hawk going. Can't wait to see you in the next few days!!

Jessica said...

NO WAY!! 10 HOURS?!?! Lucky lucky you! She's such a doll. Good luck with everything and we'll see you in a week and a half!

Kim Harvey said...

Yeah! She took the binky! That was the only one Christian liked at first, too. And I know Christian was and still is an AMAZING baby, he NEVER gave me 10 hours of sleep until he was 6 months old! So, that was a major character flaw! :)

Tasha said...

10 hours in the past 2 nights!!!! Now that is AMAZING! Seriously, my children are not sleepers and I was happy when at about 6 months Brayden was only getting up about once a night. I am so glad she has turned into such a happier baby. Good luck with all the tests and things she has to go through.

Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia
bright eyes

My funny Ella

My funny Ella

My handsome Luke

My handsome Luke

