I have done hours of research (there is so much to learn) and have decided on the below diapers. Im sure that over time I will have a few favorites that push their way to the top of my rotation but for now I truly love all 4 for various reasons. I think I have a great mix.
I have yet to have any leaking, even at night. And Olivia really likes them all. In fact, before I had my complete supply, we had to put a disposable on her at night. When I took off the Bumgenious and started to put the Pamper's on she actually got sad. Now Im sure part of it was because it was the middle of the night and she wanted to be back in her warm bed but I really do think she prefers the cloth. They are incredibly soft! (and so cute)
So, to sum up, Im a big fan. The storing and cleaning is a breeze and it in no way would keep me from continuing this new move (as I feared it may) I also cant tell you how giddy I get at the thought that I no longer will need to drop money on Pampers again!!! ( I should save, including start up costs on cloth, about $1000 on Olivia and $2000 on the baby by making this switch)
Cloth diapering is certainly not for everyone and I wouldn't try to convince anyone to do it. Im just hoping to track my journey and possibly encourage some, who have been thinking about the move, to see that they too can be successful in the switch. Trust me, there are several who think that I am crazy... but also plenty who have said they too have thought about doing it.
I am feeling pretty confident at this point, though I know there are still sure to be many a hiccup. I am excited to attend a free class in Denver on Saturday all about cloth diapering. I am amazed at how much there is out there for support in this venture.
Below are the 4 I have been using...
bumgenius organic AIO
Rumparooz G2- these have seemed the best for long nights
Gdiapers with biodegradable flushable inserts and cloth inserts. I only use the flushable inserts when out and about because I can just toss 'em in the toilet or trash. They will still only take 34 days to break down, as opposed to 500 years. Some people use the flushable liners all the time but that is a very expensive way to do cloth diapers.
Congratulations! I was going to comment on your last post with the video, but never did. I've never tried any of the brands you have, so I'm interested in seeing how you like them. I've also never done AIOs... but they look, by far, the easiest way to go. Do you find that they take too long to dry? Are they also One Size? I couldn't tell. I don't like OS because of the bulk, but have only tried one brand. Anyhow, congrats on making the switch. I agree that there is a whole WORLD to cloth that takes some research to get acquainted with!
That's nice that you know you're having another girl so you can buy all sorts of fun pink ones! I try to keep most of mine gender neutral... but I know once I have a girl I'll want some girly ones!
I've only tried fuzzibunz pocket diapers (smalls)--which worked well, but were way too bulky for me. Maybe the bulk doesn't matter as much on little girls who can wear dresses a lot... I just found I could never get pants to fit Raymond well.
I then ended up making my own and have been much happier. I know, I'm crazy. They actually have been a lot easier to make than I thought they would be. I wanted all sized diapers instead of OS and this was the only affordable route for us. I really wanted to get Swaddlebees (sized pocket diapers), but just couldn't afford it right now, so homemade it is!
I just looked at the gdiapers though, and they look great! I might have to look into those more in the future.
Nik's sisters are big cloth diaper fans - they use the gdiapers and love them. I tried them once, but just couldn't commit. :) They do look so darn cute, though!
wow !! you're brave.. it seems like you enjoy it.. do you have more laundry to do ? and how many of those diapers do you really need ? and if you dont mind me asking -- how much did it cost you to "start" up ?? maybe i'll do it w/ my next baby..
It really seems to be the new trend to be honest. I love that you did this post. Thank you for all the info. I love that you have tired a lot of different ones too. Love the cute ones! Silly, but it is true. I am kind of a sucker for anything cute.
I have got to give you credit for making the switch. I have friends who do the cloth diapering. They love it and have even sent me over some sights. It's just a whole new world and its a bit overwhelming. I probably won't ever commit LOL but kudos to you! That's a ton of $$ you'll be saving as well!
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