Just wondering why my newly turned 3 year old thinks its optional to listen.
Luke has always been pretty predictable. Even when his behaviors would go south fast and he would completely loose it. I could predict why and when it would happen. For the most part Luke just wants to be good. To do what's right. He's a straight arrow heading strongly into the bulls-eye. He hates to be in trouble. He hates to think that he's being bad. He wants to please and make the right choice.
Ella is a different story. She could care less about doing what I want her to do. She thinks any punishment I give is usually worth it, at least she got to do things her way before she landed in her room. If I draw attention to something, pointing it out for the sole purpose of what not to do, she goes out of her way to do it. She made it though the entire month of December without opening a gift. One day late in the month I pointed out how important it was to leave our gifts alone... thats when she went for it. Not 10 minutes later she came into the basement and told me that she had opened her present. Seriously? Amazing. At least she told me I guess. She sneaks. She sneers. She defies. She manipulates. She yells and she defies some more. Sometimes as you tell her no she smiles and does it right in front of you. And she calls you on your big talk. She's too smart for her own good. And she may just make me lose my mind.
So if anyone has any advice on a head strong, determined, strong 3 year old. Well, im open to it.
jackson and ella are pretty darn similar. have you tried making it about you? like try telling her that it really hurts your feelings and makes you really sad when she doesn't listen? that seems to work for jackson some of the time. why do the frustrating ones have to be so cute?
not my sweet ella...
wish i could help...but she's way too smart for me...
I can't wait to hear what people say because I think Brayden is going to be right there with her. Already at barely 2 he could care less about punishments and he does just what he wants. I can tell the older he gets the more this is going to become less and less cute and more and more frustrating.
I was going to leave a comment coming from my years of wisdom (or is it trial and error) but I decided to just tell you to remember Ella is a middle child and the syndrome exhibited by these children is wanting attention (all the time). She'll try to get it any way she can good or bad. Be sure to point out the good things she does and praise her for it. Just Love her.
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