Thursday, April 2, 2009

Princess Luke?

As soon as Ella was old enough to really interact with Luke she jumped right in. She use to stare at him for months, eyes glued on what he was doing, watching every single movement. I knew she was dying to jump in. To be a participant in his games and antics, not just a bystander.

So when Ella was just a tad over 1, her newly found legs and verbal skills in tow, she jumped right into Luke's World. And it was the best thing that ever happened to the both of them. Soon she was Percy as he was Thomas, playing just when and how Luke asked her. Eventually she moved on to being Darth Vader, General Grevious, a Storm Trooper, Batman, Superman, Spiderman. Whatever Luke deemed her she would be, and she was happy to do so.

I remember the day when Ella realized she was more than just a side act. That she could stand up to Luke and usually come out ahead, getting her way in the mix. Luke asked her to be a Storm Trooper on one of their daily make-believe adventures. She looked at him for a minute and exclaimed "No!! I dont want to be a boy. I want to be a princess!" Luke, quick as could be, thought of a simple and satisfying solution. He happily offered her the role as Princess Leah to which she agreed. That was that. Crisis averted and play resumed as usual. But I saw the bigger picture. Ella was going to change the game forever with her new found opinions and the realization that she could now make the rules, set the stage.

From that point on things changed for good. Luke drug his feet at first but Ella eventually persuaded him. And after a little while it was Luke who became kitties, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty (complete with dress and shoes) Ponies, Care Bears and babies.

It was clear, Ella could get her way. And she did. And still does mostly. Every once in a while she will still play things Luke's way. And its a good thing that every Princess has her Prince because it makes for a good compromise. But I love that Luke will give in and play things Ella's way. That he allows her to put a princess crown and shoes on him. He rolls his eyes a little and gives a smirk or two along the way, but he does it. He is the Brother I always knew he'd be. Sweet, kind, submissive and adoring. Every little girls favorite playmate. And I love that when he's with the boys he jumps right back in to Star Wars and light sabers with the best of them.



Becca said...

what a good big brother!

Tiffany J said...

What a great relationship they have! My brother and I are 16 months apart and I LOVE it! I can totally relate my childhood with him to this post! Siblings are the best! You have great kids!

Jenny J said...

i showed bobby this picture and he said..."what's he wearing." i said, "a crown." he said, "that's silly." i said, "he's playing princess with his sister." his reply, "no, he's the king."

i don't know we'll ever know that game, but it's nice to know that bobby knows he has an option if that game is every played with him.

sweet little boy you have there.

Tasha said...

He really is such a good brother. They really are both so lucky. Siblings really are the best!

Kirsten said...

What a good brother =)

Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia
bright eyes

My funny Ella

My funny Ella

My handsome Luke

My handsome Luke

