Monday, December 8, 2008

CA vacation part 2... Thanksgiving

my cute Sister, watching the kids in the pool for us while we cooked

Christian has already gone to the bottle.

Me and a couple of my favorite people... Liv and my cute bro, Ryan.

Notice Luke has zero protein.

Ella pounding her dinner

The kids had a blast at their own little table. The adults liked it even more!!

peeling one of what felt like 100 potatoes.

This is how Dave rolled as he cooked.

We had the best Thanksgiving with the yummiest Turkey. With all the credit to Dave for his amazing turkey and gravy (and none to Kim for lack of pumpkin pie)j/k kimmie.
We were lucky enough to spend it with Ryan and his family, who always makes things more fun. And my Sister Meggie, whom I always love spending time with.
We have so much to be grateful for, especially with all of the big events that this year has brought with it. We really do have the best Family and Friends. Great health and the Savior in our lives. Its overwhelming to think that the best is still yet to come.

1 comment:

Kim Harvey said...

I'm still ashamed about the Pumpkin Pie. I think your dad said it best when he said I ruined Thanksgiving....I suck.

Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia
bright eyes

My funny Ella

My funny Ella

My handsome Luke

My handsome Luke



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